Anna Deynego, the founder of the startup awards Burning Heroes, views helping other women founders in the startup industry as a passion project. The ultimate purpose of the non-profit Burning Heroes Entrepreneurs Association is to encourage cooperation and empower the ecosystem in order to help brilliant and diligent entrepreneurs. The organization launched the inaugural startup awards in 2022 and has since organized other events worldwide. It is the first award designed by founders for founders.
“This world was historically designed by men, for men,” Anna Deynego says. “It’s crucial that we support one another to reshape this world to serve us equally”.
At the organization’s inaugural presentation in Australia last year, investments in women-led businesses were a significant focus, aligning with Burning Heroes’ basic premise of supporting diverse entrepreneurs. Women-owned companies made up 80% of the finalists and five of the six winners at the award ceremony in Sydney were women-owned businesses.
It is important to highlight the successful Australian women-owned businesses because, according to the most recent survey, only 4% of the $3.5 billion in startup funding awarded to Australian companies in 2023 were started by women alone. All-male founding teams received 62% of funding transactions, while all-female founding teams received 12% and teams with at least one female founder received 26%.
According to Anna Deynego, the original “emotional decision” to develop these prizes was made in an effort to encourage firms that were not receiving enough support. The competitions are free to enter, have no financial burdens, and are fully financed by individuals who are committed to enhancing equity in the startup funding environment. She says the organization’s team encourages competitors to participate since the award ceremonies take place across multiple countries.