Maven Clinic, a Health Startup Dedicated to Women and Family Care, is Experiencing Significant Growth

Maven Clinic
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Maven Clinic, a virtual women and family health platform, is empowering companies to provide comprehensive care benefits to their employees in the post-Roe era. With women accounting for over half of consumers, holding power over 80% of household financial decisions, and making 70% of health-care-related decisions in their families, Maven Clinic is addressing the gap in proper healthcare access for women. 

The platform offers an extensive online network of fertility, pregnancy, adoption, parenting, pediatrics, and menopause services, allowing patients to access various care providers quickly and conveniently. “Our care advocates are helping them navigate the benefits or the laws and ask whether their health plans have done anything to add them in this new and changed landscape,” said Kate Ryder, CEO and founder of Maven Clinic. 

Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June, Maven Clinic has seen a 67% month-over-month increase in opportunities from companies seeking travel benefits and other healthcare support for pregnant women. The company has also experienced a broader increase in demand for its products over the past two years amid the pandemic and tight labor market, which Ryder attributed to the accessibility of its virtual platform and its outspoken support of health equity. 

Maven Clinic has raised over $200 million since its founding in 2014 and was valued at $1 billion after its most recent round of funding in August 2021, making it the first female-focused health startup to reach this milestone. The platform supports over 30 provider specialties in 30 provider languages and has helped support more than 15 million members in over 175 countries. 

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