Ruth McGuinness Won the Prestigious Microsoft Power Women Award 2024

Microsoft Power Women Award 2024
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Microsoft has announced that Ruth McGuinness, Head of Data and AI at Kainos based in Belfast, has been honoured with the Microsoft Power Women Award 2024 in Ireland. 

The Microsoft Power Women Awards are part of Microsoft’s ongoing efforts to inspire, promote, and invest in the next generation of female tech talent. These awards spotlight exceptional women who are leading the way in promoting diversity and inclusion within the Microsoft Partner network. 

In its second year, the awards program expanded its scope to cover Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, receiving nearly 400 applications from outstanding women making significant contributions to technology, diversity, and inclusion. 

McGuinness is a distinguished figure in AI leadership, overseeing one of Ireland’s largest AI teams comprising 150 members. Her team delivers AI technology programs across public and private sector organizations in Ireland, the UK, Europe, and North America, generating millions of pounds annually. She is committed to developing AI tools that are robust, explainable, and trustworthy, and advocates for ethical AI adoption. 

Beyond her professional achievements, McGuinness bridges the gap between academic research and industry as the primary industry partner of the AI Research Centre (AIRC) at Ulster University, supporting over 100 AI researchers in applications of trusted AI. She also promotes diverse AI talent as the curator of AI CON, Ireland’s largest annual AI conference, and actively advocates for robust AI regulation in various public forums, both locally and internationally. 

Upon receiving the award, Ruth McGuinness expressed gratitude, saying, “I’m deeply honored to receive this prestigious award from Microsoft Ireland. It’s humbling to be recognized alongside such an inspiring cohort of powerhouse women in the Microsoft ecosystem across Western Europe. 

“I also appreciate the opportunity to accept this award during an extended period of maternity leave with my second child. It underscores the progress we’ve made in gender equity, although there’s still much more to accomplish. 

“Women face numerous challenges balancing careers with parenthood. With only 26% of technology roles held by women, many leave these careers due to inadequate parental leave benefits, costly childcare, and limited access to flexible working arrangements.” 

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